szerda, augusztus 27, 2008

A soldier (who had just returned from the Western Front) was so disordered while he was going down the stairs into the London tube station, he became suddenly aware of the crowds of people coming up, he looked haggardly about, and evidently mistaking the hollow space below for the trenches and the ascending crowd for Germans, fixed his bayonet and charged. But for the women constable on duty at the turn of the staircase, who was quick enough to divine his trouble and hang on to him with all her strength to prevent his forward advance, he would have wounded many and caused danger and panic.

British pioneer policewoman Mary Allen, in her autobiography

Azt a szomorú barom mindenit. A hátamon felállt a szőr.

Ma az egyik kollégával arról beszélgettünk, hogy mennyire sérülékeny még békeidőben is az az infrastruktúra, ami körülvesz bennünket. Rossz érzésem van, remélem, csak az alváshiány miatt.

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